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A newbie would like to know why when I add a product. I push insert. I click the green active button. Why it doesnt show up on my web page under the catagory named. Only shows up as new product..?

2. I cant change my zone in the configuration/mystore


3. I have installed payment modules but in test run in payment section there says no payment options available??????????


thanx <_<

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A newbie would like to know why when I add a product. I push insert. I click the green active button. Why it doesnt show up on my web page under the catagory named. Only shows up as new product..?

2. I cant change my zone in the configuration/mystore


3. I have installed payment modules but in test run in payment section there says no payment options available??????????


thanx <_<


I certainly wouldn't want to call myself an osC guru but here you go:

1) You probably defined the product(s) directly under the catalog without putting it in a categorie. In that case it won't show in your category box. Create a category first, place your product underneath that category and it will show as new and inside your category box


2) You can change the shop's zone only when you first change your shop's country


3) Can't say anything about this without further information (which payment modules did you install and how did you setup those ?)

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hello back

yes I had already created a categoryand a product in it.

Yes in config mystore I had my country as australia but zone is Florida hmmmmm!!!!!!!!!

The payment module I am using is direct desposit , australian bank transfer.

thanx again

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hello back

yes I had already created a categoryand a product in it.

Yes in config mystore I had my country as australia but zone is Florida hmmmmm!!!!!!!!!

The payment module I am using is direct desposit , australian bank transfer.

thanx again


What zone's do you have choice of when you try to change that after having changed your country to Australia ? If I remember correct a default install of osC gives country USA and zone Florida which you BOTH have to change. Changing the country doesn't automatically change the zone for your shop !

As for the payment module; does it use zones and if so have you setup these ?

The category/product thing is strange if you did create a category with a product inside. Did you have problems after you installed osC with the already available categories and products ?

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Thanx for your reply.

i have no options for zone other than Florida. Is there somewhere else I need to change?

How do I set up payment modules? I pushed install on Australian bank transfer and filled in the bits under edit. Anywhere else to activate this?

I did the same in shipping. Installed 2 modules zone and region rates ( region for australia and zone for rest of the world) and filled in the bits. They show up but its done by weight and the fees are all wrong. I changed weights to part of a pound and handling fee. Instead of being 5.50 it was 11.95. I changed tare weight to0.05 then to.

Oscommerce is already set up a hosting place. Just need need to reconfigure to my circumstances yeah right!!!!!!!!!

Any insights would be great.

I have solved the product thing though.



What zone's do you have choice of when you try to change that after having changed your country to Australia ? If I remember correct a default install of osC gives country USA and zone Florida which you BOTH have to change. Changing the country doesn't automatically change the zone for your shop !

As for the payment module; does it use zones and if so have you setup these ?

The category/product thing is strange if you did create a category with a product inside. Did you have problems after you installed osC with the already available categories and products ?

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I'm not a guru, but maybe I can help with the shipping part.


Try setting tare weight to zero, make sure the weights are exact. I have my weights set to two decimal places (0.02, for example), because when I had it at just one the whole thing was off. I would vote against trying to figure a handling fee in with the weight. I know there is a module in "order total" called "low order fee". There is probably a similar contribution out there somewhere for a handling fee.


Hope that helps!



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I'm not a guru, but maybe I can help with the shipping part.


Try setting tare weight to zero, make sure the weights are exact. I have my weights set to two decimal places (0.02, for example), because when I had it at just one the whole thing was off. I would vote against trying to figure a handling fee in with the weight. I know there is a module in "order total" called "low order fee". There is probably a similar contribution out there somewhere for a handling fee.


Hope that helps!





I had set tare to 0.00 but nothing changed. In the zones shipping module I set eg a weight 0.55(in pounds, actually 250g but had to convert it) and then the price.

IS there any other steps I haved missed.

thanx again

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you can change add zones in the 'locations/taxes' menu. But I think you mean 'tax zones'... You need to assign the "tax zones" to "regular zones" (double click on the tax zone in the 'Tax Zones' menu)





i  have no options for zone other than Florida. Is there somewhere else I need to change?
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