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The e-commerce.

I'm having another no brainer sort of day!


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Hi Guys,


I think the title says it all about my state of mind today. :blink:


Will someone please show me how to insert this link


<a href="http://www.shopsafe.co.uk" target="_top"><img src="http://www.shopsafe.co.uk/logos/shopsafe.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="your guide to shops on the internet" border="0"></a>


into this piece of php from my shopping_cart infobox


   } else {
    $co_link = '<br><br><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL') . '"><b><center>' . HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUTA . '</center></b></a><br>' . HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUTB . ' . ';


so it displays the image below HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUTB and does not cause any ssl errors.




Mark :blush: :'(

Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!


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