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Brain tired...Need Help!


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I've added a new box to my left column, and having looked all day to find where I need to configure the box so the heading is highlighted like the rest of the boxes in the left column. Could someone tell me which file I need to go into exactly to edit this output so it could look like the rest of the column.


Here's a link to my store so you could see what I'm talking about. http://www.naturalheinie.com/store


I'd really like to fix this so I can give this a break for now...seeing all these codes for hours, nothing makes sense anymore 10_1_11.gif



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unless you've installed a template system, then they could be anywhere.

Just look at the code for the boxes you'd like to duplicate, then copy (with modifications) to your new box.

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unless you've installed a template system, then they could be anywhere.

Just look at the code for the boxes you'd like to duplicate, then copy (with modifications) to your new box.



Yes, I think that may be the problem, as I'm using an installed template system. I've installed the boxes using a similar code from the information's box, and the new box is up and working fine. It's just that the heading of the box is not highlighted like the others in the right hand colum.

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