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Qtpro 4.2 & Easy Populate v2.76b

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Hi all,


I have just downloaded and installed the above two add-ons and what I would like to do is to use the excel file to add the different quantities for 3 three colour widgets I have. For example:


The widget comes in colours (quantities in brackets)

Red (1)

blue (2)

Yellow (3)


The issue, is that when I use easypopulate, I can only see one column that has the product quantity for the widget and that number is (6) the amalgamation of the 3 colours. Is there any way that I can use easypopulate to update these?


I have tried trolling through the message boards and can't seem to find an answer.

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you will need to look at qtpro, to seee how the  inventory count is stored, then modify your ep file to match that


I'm still quite new here... could you be a bit more descriptive? I went into the database and found out that the table structure from this




is products_stock_id





The thing is when I look at easy populate where i have set the flag for qtpro to true... ie


// change this to true, if you use QTYpro and want to set attributes stock with EP.

global $products_attributes_stock;

$products_attributes_stock = true;


and the code in the file looks like this:


//// attributes stock add start

if ( $products_attributes_stock == true ) {

$stock_attributes = $attribute_options['products_options_id'].'-'.$attribute_values['products_options_values_id'];


$stock_quantity_query = tep_db_query("select products_stock_quantity from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_STOCK . " where products_id = '" . (int)$row['v_products_id'] . "' and products_stock_attributes = '" . $stock_attributes . "'");

$stock_quantity = tep_db_fetch_array($stock_quantity_query);


$row['v_attribute_values_stock_' . $attribute_options_count . '_' . $attribute_values_count] = $stock_quantity['products_stock_quantity'];


//// attributes stock add end



but its strange that its just not working... how come I don't see a count in the exported excel file?

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