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The e-commerce.

Stopped on Step 7


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I am trying to install the oscomerce 2.2 ms2 on my linux server.

When I am reaching the step 7, following meesgae shown on the browser:



The configuration files do not exist, or permission levels are not set.


Please perform the following actions:


* cd /var/www/html/includes/

* touch configure.php

* chmod 706 configure.php


* cd /var/www/html/admin/includes/

* touch configure.php

* chmod 706 configure.php



I have followed the procedure and tried chmod 706 and 777 and it still no response, why?

I am stand on this step already for a few hours!!!

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777 ought to get it. Only 2 options I can think of.


You're not hitting the right files.

The perms aren't actually being updated.


Can you confirm both? How are you updating the perms?



Everything's funny but nothing's a joke...

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I go to the terminal and type the commands below:


cd /var/www/html

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php


cd admin

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php


any problems?

or it is not the correct place of my files?



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cd /var/www/html

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php


cd  admin

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php






Everything's funny but nothing's a joke...

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sorry, just the typing mistake


I have do it on the includes folder but still doesn't work!


any other reason?

or my php configuration problems?

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Hmmm, well... You can force the issue. In the zip or tar file there are empty config files. Fill in the blanks (there's info on the boards as to settings, do a search) and upload them to the appropriate spots, then test your store.


You may have bigger problems than just this can't write deal so this may be a way to find out.



Everything's funny but nothing's a joke...

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Hmmm, well... You can force the issue. In the zip or tar file there are empty config files. Fill in the blanks (there's info on the boards as to settings, do a search) and upload them to the appropriate spots, then test your store.


You may have bigger problems than just this can't write deal so this may be a way to find out.




It is so complicated.

By the way, I will try it and hope can found the reason?

Do you think I can setup the shop manually not by the web wizard?

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I have self created the configure.php file but something strange happened!


Nearly all the directories are not writeable.


Now I cannot add images for the products.


I cannot backup the database because the backups directory not writeable......


Any idea?

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I have self created the configure.php file but something strange happened!


Nearly all the directories are not writeable.


Now I cannot add images for the products.


I cannot backup the database because the backups directory not writeable......


Any idea?


Change the perms? Since you have console access, try deleting all the files (keep copies of your configs) upload the osc tar ball and explode it in place. That might take care of most of your problems. Of course, I could be wrong too =] but I think that's what I would do in lieu of dinging the perms on a ton of files and folders individually.



Everything's funny but nothing's a joke...

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Change the perms? Since you have console access, try deleting all the files (keep copies of your configs) upload the osc tar ball and explode it in place. That might take care of most of your problems. Of course, I could be wrong too =] but I think that's what I would do in lieu of dinging the perms on a ton of files and folders individually.






let me try first.

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