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The e-commerce.

Only XX available / when its gone its gone


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I would like to be able to offer certain products on a when its gone its gone basis - some of my suppliers offer me end of life products at greatly reduced prices which I then sell on at similar discount levels. On my store I still display and allow customers to order out of stock items (out of stock items are marked as such so customers know) as I can get next day delivery on all my products - usually I just put these limited items in as a special offers but all too often if I have 20 available there will be 25 ordered which means having to email customers and tell them that we cant fulfil the order / honour the price.


What I would like to be able to do is to switch off these products when stock levels get to zero thereby stopping any additional orders being placed but I cant figure out how to. The only way I could think of doing it was to add a flag to the products table for these products and when the stock is being updated at checkout have an additional piece of code which basically says - if limited_flag=1 and stock=0 then switch off product, would that work?


If so, does anyone want to have a go at the code to do it? Im fine with the first part but not sure how to switch off the product by code. If it wont work has anyone got any other suggestions?





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I would like to be able to offer certain products on a when its gone its gone basis - some of my suppliers offer me end of life products at greatly reduced prices which I then sell on at similar discount levels. On my store I still display and allow customers to order out of stock items (out of stock items are marked as such so customers know) as I can get next day delivery on all my products - usually I just put these limited items in as a special offers but all too often if I have 20 available there will be 25 ordered which means having to email customers and tell them that we cant fulfil the order / honour the price.


What I would like to be able to do is to switch off these products when stock levels get to zero thereby stopping any additional orders being placed but I cant figure out how to. The only way I could think of doing it was to add a flag to the products table for these products and when the stock is being updated at checkout have an additional piece of code which basically says - if limited_flag=1 and stock=0 then switch off product, would that work?


If so, does anyone want to have a go at the code to do it? Im fine with the first part but not sure how to switch off the product by code. If it wont work has anyone got any other suggestions?






I think osCommerce can do this already. When you create the product in Admin, be sure to enter a quantity. In Configuration->Stock, you can set your store to check product availability, subtract orders, and mark products as unavailable.





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I think osCommerce can do this already.  When you create the product in Admin, be sure to enter a quantity.  In Configuration->Stock, you can set your store to check product availability, subtract orders, and mark products as unavailable.






Unfortunately this doesnt help me - I only want to do this for certain products while leaving the others able to be ordered when out of stock.



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