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Help me for osCommerce's language !


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Hi All, :lol:


I'm Quang, from Ha Noi, Viet Nam. I have had osCommerce from some friends. I very like it. Nearly day, I'm trying to setup and run this source code and very interesting in it.


So, I met some problem, it's my language for osCommerce, I have not vietnamese language kit to setup into osCommerce. I have try to edit into source code directly but when view on Web Browser in UTF-8 Encoding, it's not run correctly.


Can you help me, osCommerce team and other forum's members ? Thank you very much. :thumbsup:



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You could modify one of the other languages or generate the necessary files yourself. They are all located in the Languages directory. Find the English shown for each element and replace it with your language. or try to replace the Spanish file entries instead. Within the Languages directory, there will be a main file called english.php and a folder called english with many files inside. Just take your time and go through each entry or copy and rename the one main file to vietnamese and copy and rename the one directory the same, then make the changes. If you do it that way, you'll need to create the option for that language to be chosen and I'm not sure how that works.

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