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Images not showing up


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under catalog/includes/languages/english/index.php there was the annoying "what's new here". I got rid of the text & deceided that it would look good to have multiple images of manufactures logo's, eaither in place or in a scrolling marquee. Either way when the site is brought up they appear as red x's, unless i'm in the administration panel & then they show up both ways. i have had friends of mine bring up the site & they see red x's wheather i'm in administration or not. i have tried loading the pictures from c:/documents/mypictures, even uploading them to the images file. right now i have scrolling text & it works fine. Am i using the format correctly <p><marquee><img src="logo1.gif"> <img src="logo2.gif"> </marquee></p>

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Ignoring for the moment that <marquee> is browser-specific and, in my opinion, tacky - where are your images loaded? Typically they would be in the images subfolder, which means you need to add that to the file path.


If you'd provide a link to your store we could perhaps give you more detailed advice.

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Ignoring for the moment that <marquee> is browser-specific and, in my opinion,  tacky - where are your images loaded?  Typically they would be in the images subfolder, which means you need to add that to the file path.


If you'd provide a link to your store we could perhaps give you more detailed advice.

i know about the marguee, it is brouser specific & think about scripting it if i knew how but would come in handy if i have 20 or more logos. this way it would only take up the logo height & not the whole page if i just left the images still.

here is the link www.gpsmarineoutlet.com

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