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Google Adwords Tracker


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Google Adwords offers a conversion tracker. I think this would be great to see what keywords are selling not just browsing.


I know little about php and do not feel like just pasting the code somewhere on the checkout page.


Hopefully someone has installed this before and know exactly where to place it.




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I looked at that, too. Great for calculating true conversion rates of your ads! I think it is supposed to go on checkout success. They want it visible, of course because they use it, too. It's pretty small, though, right?

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In the root level checkout_success.php (yes, root level and not languages level file), insert your tracking code after this:


<?php if (DOWNLOAD_ENABLED == 'true') include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'downloads.php'); ?>


<!-- body_text_eof //-->





You'll need to create a new table, and close the table after the tracking code is ended. By the way, this is from a heavily modified site, so the table structure quoted may not be the same on a default osC website.



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Can anyone confirm that this mod works OK? I'm at the point of adding Adwords Tracking to my site, but I'm not usre where to insert the code.



BTW, does "root level" mean the path \catalog\checkout_sucess? Just want o make sure!



In the root level checkout_success.php (yes, root level and not languages level file), insert your tracking code after this:


<?php if (DOWNLOAD_ENABLED == 'true') include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'downloads.php'); ?>


<!-- body_text_eof //-->





You'll need to create a new table, and close the table after the tracking code is ended.  By the way, this is from a heavily modified site, so the table structure quoted may not be the same on a default osC website.



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I can confirm that it works okay, and 'yes' root level does mean either 'catalog/checkout_success.php' (if you've installed into a folder called 'catalog'), or just checkout_success.php if you've installed into the root of your site.



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  • 4 weeks later...
I can confirm that it works okay, and 'yes' root level does mean either 'catalog/checkout_success.php' (if you've installed into a folder called 'catalog'), or just checkout_success.php if you've installed into the root of your site.




I have a site using Verisign payments and the return page to the site is verisignreturn.php. The user never sees this though, and verisignreturn.php passes users on to checkout_success.php.


But placing the Google Tracking code in checkout_success.php doesn't seem to work. Should I place the Google code in verisgnreturn.php? I have seen successtions that he code go in checkout_confirmation.php - but that would seem to me that the 'buyer' may drop out before cc payment and it still be logged with Google as a sale??

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