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The e-commerce.

SSL Configuration


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I just installed the OScommerce and every time I log into the administrator page on my site it says in the bottom left conner that the SSL is not on. I talked to my webhosting company and they are saying that SSL is on and it must be something you have to configure on the side of the software.


Here is the exact meassage that I get when I log into the admin main page:

"You are not protected by a secure SSL connection."


If someone could help that would be great :D . I looked up a couple of this on this forum and found that you have to have the SSL set to true in the setup and I tried that. If someone could help that would be awesome :blush: .




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I think I figured out what the SSL certificate is. Thanks so much.


I am trying to check out and I was wondering I set up the credit card feature on the account. I was wondering if there is a way to test it. I was also wondering. How does it work. I set it up to split it up to do the Split Credit Card E-Mail Address thing. Does that mean when I get an order I have to log in and get the outer credit card number from the database and the inner credit card number will be in the e-mail? Do I have to set something up with a bank or no? Thanks so much You have been a great help so far. Thanks to everyone :D .



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