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The e-commerce.

Removing the excess


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Can I completly remove certain elements an osCommerce shop?


for example, from a vanilla install (or fresh install), can I just remove the Categories, what's new, manufacturers, quick find, reviews, etc etc, straight from the code? will this mess anything up? Can I reposition things if I wanted by putting the function calls in different areas? Thanks!

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Yes - if you know what you are doing :P


You can comment out boxes in /includes/column_left.php and column_right.php - thats where most people start.


You can move code around a surprising amount without breaking the store. Why not just do a test installation and have a good play? - its fun! :D



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Yes - if you know what you are doing  :P


You can comment out boxes in /includes/column_left.php and column_right.php - thats where most people start.


You can move code around a surprising amount without breaking the store.  Why not just do a test installation and have a good play? - its fun!  :D




Right ahead of you! :)


The tough part though is removing, or changing the top and bottom bars (top>catalog).....


Also, I can't find how to get rid of the Upcoming products list, and the New products for April list (or whatever month it is).... anysuggestions?

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you will find the 'breadcrumb' and top bar in /includes/header.php - the other is in footer.php


The upcoming products and new products files are in the /includes/modules/ directory - you can simply make these files blank (untested!)



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You should check out the tips and tricks area, lots of great information, as well as the knowledgease. I learned a lot just from reading posts and got ideas I would never have thought of on my own for making osc look and feel like I wanted, and run even better than it already does. =)

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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