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Hiding a category


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I'dd like to "temporarely" hide a category wich contains about 60 products. The reason fot wanting to hide them is that the products are currently out of stock and will come back in a few weeks. I don't want to delete all products and having to put them back in of course and it also doesn't seem efficient to mark all products "red", so they don't show.


What options do I have?

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Find this line in includes/boxes/categories.php

  while ($categories = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query))  {

and include these line after it

if (strpos($categories['categories_name'], 'XXX') !== FALSE ||

where XXX is the name of the categories you want to hide. A better and quicker way is to alter the database query line to exclude this category. But since this is temporary and the query statement is so eacy to mess up, this is the easiest solution in this case, IMO.



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