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How do you best translate ?


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I need a little help and inspiration in getting the keukenlust store catch phrase in dutch translated in to english.


In dutch it is :

Wie zoekt, die kent Keukenlust niet ...

Wie Keukenlust kent, die zoekt niet !


Which litterally translates to

Those who search, don't know Keukenlust ...

Those who know Keukenlust, do not search !


So is there an english proverb or other phrase that is better at capturing the essence of our slogan ?


Anybody wanting to exercise their creative mind ?


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

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What does Keukenlust mean?




yeah what the heck is Keukenlust? The translation makes absolutely no sense since we don't know what Keukenlust is, let alone how to pronounce it...


Maybe if you could tell us what Keukenlust is, we could be of better aid.

The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing

- Edmund Burke




Side note: keukenlust.com states at the bottom left:

Located at the Belgian - Dutch border. Local delivery for Belgium and the Netherlands. Thus cheep and fast delivery in 1 to 2 days !
Cheep delivery? Little birds deliver the goods? :P




Actually, I think your literal translation is pretty much as good as it gets!


There are other parts of the site that could use the eye of a native English speaker though, such as the aforementioned cheep. A perfectly understandable mistake, the spelling alters the meaning of the word. You want cheap, but cheep is the sound a bird might make! I would tend to replace it with inexpensive though. I'll try to post a few more corrections if you'd like.




I made a comment on this in your blog, Carine.





Side note: keukenlust.com states at the bottom left:

Cheep delivery? Little birds deliver the goods?  :P



Thanks for catching that one. I've corrected it to inexpensive.


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

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What does Keukenlust mean?



It's a concatenation of 'keuken' and 'lust'.


Keuken is Kitchen

Lust, well, that's were the problem is ...

As Jared pointed out using his dictionary, it's got several meanings in english, but also in dutch.

In our case it refers to pleasure or liking something. In flemish you can actually " 'lust' something very well", basically meaning, you like to eat something a lot.


I wonder how much visitors we get because they are thinking it is a completely different site :P


Anyhow, the closest translation I can think of is KitchenPleasure




I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


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Actually, I think your literal translation is pretty much as good as it gets!


There are other parts of the site that could use the eye of a native English speaker though, such as the aforementioned cheep.  A perfectly understandable mistake, the spelling alters the meaning of the word.  You want cheap, but cheep is the sound a bird might make!  I would tend to replace it with inexpensive though.  I'll try to post a few more corrections if you'd like.



Exactly, that's why I haven't posted in the mystore channel yet.

I still need to do a more carefull review of existing texts, plus add some more. site is live but not yet ready for your carefull reviews !

I don't want to waste everyones time on things I should find my self :-" (like the cheep :lol: )


Although on the graphical / layout side of things, if you find something funny in your particular browser, please let me know.





I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


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Pleasure, like lust, is a little overloaded with conotations in the English language. Joy might work better. You need to translate and say something for us non-Dutch speakers.


How about:


Keukenlust - The joy of quality kitchen accessories, in any language.

Keukenlust makes cooking in the kitchen a joy.

Keukenlust - the joy of the kitchen found here.


ed "osCommercelust"



Pleasure, like lust, is a little overloaded with conotations in the English language. Joy might work better.  You need to translate and say something for us non-Dutch speakers.


How about:


Keukenlust - The joy of quality kitchen accessories, in any language.

Keukenlust makes cooking in the kitchen a joy.

Keukenlust - the joy of the kitchen found here.


ed "osCommercelust"

I agree that there are conotations that go with the word pleasure. But, I still feel like the phrase "Keukenlust makes cooking in the kitchen a joy." would be fine as:


Keukenlust makes cooking in the kitchen a pleasure.


Most people that might draw the wrong meaning out of it wouldn't mind. Most of the people that would be uncomfortable with those meanings, wouldn't read them into it because the rest of the site sets up the context.


Besides all major advertisers are intentionally playing the double meaning of words and suggestive phrases to a much greater extent than this.


But along another line playing off of "joy" you could say:


Keukenlust makes cooking enjoyable.

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I agree that there are conotations that go with the word pleasure.  But, I still feel like the phrase "Keukenlust makes cooking in the kitchen a joy." would be fine as:


Keukenlust makes cooking in the kitchen a pleasure.


Most people that might draw the wrong meaning out of it wouldn't mind.  Most of the people that would be uncomfortable with those meanings, wouldn't read them into it because the rest of the site sets up the context.


Besides all major advertisers are intentionally playing the double meaning of words and suggestive phrases to a much greater extent than this.


But along another line playing off of "joy" you could say:


Keukenlust makes cooking enjoyable.



Seekers don't know us for those who knows us cease to be seekers.

Treasurer MFC

Yeah, that says the same thing, but you have to think a lot more to get the message!


Hmm, that sounds like a pronounciation exercise for people having problems with 's' :huh:

or is it just difficult to pronounce for non-native english ?


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

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Hmm, that sounds like a pronounciation exercise for people having problems with 's'  :huh:

or is it just difficult to pronounce for non-native english ?


It can be tricky to pronounce even for native english speakers without 's' problems. :)



How about "Cook with pleasure. Keukenlust." or "Keukenlust - the cook's delight!"



  • 2 weeks later...

In America if you say the words "Joy" and "Kitchen", there's a good chance they will think about liquid dishwashing detergent.


If you want a 'clean' connotation for cooking gear, it may be useful.


Not so useful if it's food.



I agree that there are conotations that go with the word pleasure.  But, I still feel like the phrase "Keukenlust makes cooking in the kitchen a joy." would be fine as:


Keukenlust makes cooking in the kitchen a pleasure.


Most people that might draw the wrong meaning out of it wouldn't mind.  Most of the people that would be uncomfortable with those meanings, wouldn't read them into it because the rest of the site sets up the context.


Besides all major advertisers are intentionally playing the double meaning of words and suggestive phrases to a much greater extent than this.


But along another line playing off of "joy" you could say:


Keukenlust makes cooking enjoyable.


  • 2 weeks later...

one thought:


"The joy of Keukenlust".. a pun on "The joy of cooking"= a well-known series of books.




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