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Loading/changing/inventory control for websites


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Hi! :lol:


For those with websites containing numerous items, is there a separate tool which can be used to upload inventory or make changes to inventory? I'm just learning about oscommerce, so this may be a silly question.


I have a website currently (not my own, but one that charges a monthly fee >_< ) and the biggest problem I face is inventory control. I have to MANUALLY change the inventory for EACH item on the web, which can be a problem if a customer comes along and loads a bunch of things to he/her shopping cart then abandons the whole thing, which causes my inventory to be messed up. I carry a lot of one-of-a-kind stuff, so keeping inventory up to date is crucial. Having almost a thousand different items and having to check each one separately....gets to be a pain in the *%&^&$.


I appreciate any education on this you can offer.





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