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[HELP] Search Function


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I have a question about the search function in osCommerce.

How can I modify the source code so that it can support the searching in other languages?(for example, Chinese, etc)



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I have a question about the search function in osCommerce.

How can I modify the source code so that it can support the searching in other languages?(for example, Chinese, etc)





you do not need to change the code for that, it already does that.

if your osc language setting is chinese, it does the search in the chinese names and descriptions. if you want all results disregarding language then you need to strip the reference to languages_id in the where clauses.

Treasurer MFC

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you do not need to change the code for that, it already does that.

if your osc language setting is chinese, it does the search in the chinese names and descriptions. if you want all results disregarding language then you need to strip the reference to languages_id in the where clauses.



But the problem is, when I use the charset default by Osc, it can search chinese but it cannot display chinese words correctly.


I have tried to charset in "advanced_search.php" to "iso-8859-1"

I can search the chinese words

But i cannot display the chinese words correctly.


How to fix it?


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