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Product price related to QTY bought - Contrib?


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Hello all,


I need a contribution which will allow me to set the price of product(s) when bought in different quantities. I searched the contrib section but can't seem to find a solution.


When a customer tries to purchase a product I would ideally like to show one picture and description (standard osCommerce) and below that have the quantity options and relevant prices and buttons to add to cart.


For example if a customer wanted to purchase Product A the following options/prices would be available to them:


Product Name QTY Price

Product A 1 - 5 = $20

Product A 6 - 10 = $19

Product A 11 - 20 = $18

Product A 21 - 50 = $17

Product A 51 - 100 = $16

Product A 101 - 250 = $15

Product A 251+ = $15


Does anyone know of a contribution which caters for this (or is similar in any manner).


Thanks in advance,



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I use:




But, as standard, it only has 4 price levels (plus the original single price).


I do believe there are 8 price breaks with the current version.


I only say this because I use this script with Separate Pricing Per Customer by JanZ ( http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,716 ) which lets me create and set different price levels (wholesale, dealer, retail, etc...) from there I have used Quantity Price Breaks for Separate Pricing Per Customer, also by JanZ, ( http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3039 ) which lets me create up to 8 different price breaks for each customer group.


If you don't have a need for different customer groups you can get away with using the original Quantity Price Breaks Per Product ( http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1242 ) -- but if you do infact need to create customer groups and would like to have the choice to give them a quanity price break then you also have that choice too!


Good Luck.



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