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Setting up downloads


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How would I set up downloads?

As in, what would I have to do? Would I need to edit/create any directories, or change configurations in the admin panel? And then how would I attach files with my products?


Thanks :D


I've seen that, but I am a complete newbie to this... what permissions do I set? What do I edit in configure.php?

Sorry for my questions :P

Thanks for your reply though, first person that ever replied to my threas :unsure:


No editing in the configure.php is required. It defaults to the "download" and "pub" folders in your catalog folder.


Both directories need to be fully readable and writable to everyone. The thread above refers to the permissions as being set to 777 using the chmod command of most ftp programs. You can also do the permissions thru your control panel that your host provides.




Okay, so then I just add product attributes right?

Can I add more than one attribute per file? If I can, do I need to include a file name each time I add an attribute?


Also, for payment confirmation through PayPal, is it automatic, or does the administrator have to confirm it manually?


your best bet is to use the download controller contribution, and also install the paypal ipn contribution. much safer, else you could lose lots of money if you use the default paypal installation.

with the download controller it can be setup automatically for the downloads.


Could you please explain PayPal IPN?

I'm not so familiar with PayPal yet...


go to contributions, search for PayPal IPN. or go to paypal.com and look up IPN


ok, thanks

I checked, and I think I need an IPN script, or something?

What's going on there?


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