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There is another option.

You can log into your paypal account, click on merchant tools and set up the auto return feature and put in http://yourdomain.com/catalog/checkout_success.php or http://yourdomain.com/checkout_success.php as the return url depending on how you set up your store.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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There is another option.

You can log into your paypal account, click on merchant tools and set up the auto return feature and put in http://yourdomain.com/catalog/checkout_success.php  or http://yourdomain.com/checkout_success.php as the return url depending on how you set up your store.


Wendy, Wouldn't that be HTTPS instead of HTTP?? :blush:

My Favorite Quote from a movie.


Question: How do you know women sooo well?


Answer: I think of a man, then take away reason and accountability.

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Not on my server. Nope. I don't have a secure server... not getting one for the site I use paypal on. No need, paypal is secure.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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