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Help: the products displayed changing randomly


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I wonder if someone ever experienced the same problem I'm having now.


I was editing products through the admin area by adding/removing texts in the product description field. I noticed that when I highlight a product on row X, the product is shown highlighted on row Y and so on. The order of the product listing kept changing randomly within the same category/subcategory.


This is very annoying and a waste of time and effort. It's very hard to identify the position of product C (for example) that you want to edit while product D (among others) keeps moving randomly and, as a result, is showing up dozens of times in different raws/positions.


I checked the website to see whether it was affected by this mess. Unfortunately, it was. A while ago I was browsing products under one of the subcategories. Things were normal on page# 1. But when I clicked on "2" to go to the next page, I found that two products I saw on page# 1 were displayed there and so on. When I went back to page# 1, I found a different group of products displayed. I find a different group of products displayed every time I "refresh" the page.


This means that the products are changing randomly and cannot be displayed in order while browsing which annoys any prospect customer.


Any help is appreciated.


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Well, I guess I got a clue!


I've discovered that products are showing up in the right order either with a category with no subcategories or with a category with only one line of subcategories. The problem arises when a category has sub-subcategories (a tree of subcategories) such as /Glassware/ Christmas Ornaments/ Crystal Xmas Ornaments (for example)


I've noticed that this is the only case that products go crazy and start moving randomly!


I guess I would move them a level up (unless anyone suggests otherwise)


Correct me if I'm wrong?

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