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The e-commerce.

VS Sales Can your check out my site and tell me


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First off I would like to thake everyone who takes/took the time to take a look at my site. I thank and encurage both pos and neg feedback as both will only make my site better. Of course just like all sites it is not finished and never will be.


There are meny things I plan to add/do to the site. The main is to add forums but also add reviews, stories, free info like how to's..., etc


Like I said I have meny idea. The site goes live tto the public on monday and I just wanted to get the views of the public before had for any other last min changes I need/should make as well as overall ideas.


Also just be aware that I still have ALOT of products to add and will be doing a grind tonight and sunday as well as adding and updateing as time goes on. I am also awar of the issues where the extra pictures in the product disc load up a broken img and only work when u click on the "next" arrow, im currently trying to find a "fix" for that on the forums now and hope I can get 1.


Thank again for everyone that takes a look



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Images look OK, but the site looks very stock oscom.

The flash image needs slowing down, it changes before you see what it is.

Try centering the shop it tidies it up a lot.





A little knowledge is dangerous, I SHOULD KNOW.

If Life Begins At 40, What ends????

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Images look OK, but the site looks very stock oscom.

The flash image needs slowing down, it changes before you see what it is.

Try centering the shop it tidies it up a lot.






yeah the site is still very osc stock for a few reasons, i needed it to be public ready and up and running fairly fast but still be professional looking and because changing the look alot is very diffacult becuse i been doing the site only by code lol ii don't have dreamweaver or anything like that hehe. but if anyone who reads this knows of a nice free one please let me know. you know the kind with a gui like drag this table here past this picture there and it changes the code needed.


i'll see if i can slow down the flash a bit after i finish playing with this accounting software that works with ocs


not sure what you mean by centering the site

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Really just a few points about privacy and contact information that so many people seem to forget.


If I were you I'd fix the security error that Firefox reports before going live. You appear to be using someone else's SSL Certificate.


You should make any mailing list opt-in rather than the opt-out system your t&c seem to imply.



Your contact information is difficult to find on the website.



Oh yes, nearly forgot - 83k is far too big for a thumbnail image. Even then it seemed a bit distorted. Probably you need to install a contribution for this.


I guess you got rid of the Flash altogether then (anyway I couldn't spot any).




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Really just a few points about privacy and contact information that so many people seem to forget.


If I were you I'd fix the security error that Firefox reports before going live. You appear to be using someone else's SSL Certificate.


You should make any mailing list opt-in rather than the opt-out system your t&c seem to imply.

Your contact information is difficult to find on the website.

Oh yes, nearly forgot - 83k is far too big for a thumbnail image. Even then  it seemed a bit distorted. Probably you need to install a contribution for this.


I guess you got rid of the Flash altogether then (anyway I couldn't spot any).





lets see... the flash is on the main page still, perhapes there is something with the cade that will not allow firefox to see it


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0" width="715" height="160">
         <param name=movie value="http://www.armotech.us/Movie1.swf">
         <param name=quality value=high>
         <embed src="Movie1.swf" quality=high pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="715" height="160">


as for the "thumbnails, yes that is a prob and will get to work on it, some are even larger. the issue with that that im not sure about is there is no option in admin for a thumbnail image so it just resizes the accual image, I assumed that it resized the file itself but it seems that it only changes the desplay size of it, i'll start looking into that after i make this post. Thanks for letting me know, i wasn't aware of that issue.



as for the contact info I thought the contact us page in the informatinon link was good enough, i'll add our contact info in the footer i'll just put:

VS Sales

111 street ave

city, state 00000

[email protected]

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Your site said -

"We have detected that your browser does not support cookies, or has set cookies to be disabled."



oops, yes it does, and no it hasn't!

I accept all cookies...even nasty ones :)

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lol, sorry about that, i was in the middle of fixing the issue with the alert with the security cert, it's back to norm now, and the cert issue has been fixed

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Stock oscommerce with a flash header. Nice twist



hehe thank you. I have it only showing on the main page because i figure if i put it on the header for all the pages it ill get very annying. I just need to "fill out" the main page, it has way too much of a empty look.


I am still having issues wit that evil alert saying the security cert address doesn't match. if I use the correct HTTPS_SERVER and/or HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN in the config file





I don't get that alert mesage anymore but the sessions don't track (cart empties when logging in and u lose your log in when u go back to shop)


but if i keep it at https://vssales.net


the sessions track but i get that evil arert that the cert and address doesn't match



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oh yeah can't forget about a issue i had also wih the site saying the browser isn't accepting cookies when it does. bah it's such a pain, only way it seems to work is the configuration where i get that alert window

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OK, got the thumbnails working. just 1 of the thumbs were 130k on the main page, it's now showing at 3k hehe, oddly it quility accually looks better too lol.

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ok finnally fix a bunch of issues yesterday, got that evil alert window fixed (the one that says the site name does not match serurity cert) got the "mopics" mod finnally working for the extra pop ups in the product discription, fixed an error with cookies not working on some brousers as well as sessions not tracking. added the ability to check out without making a account. also made a lil img banner to add to forum posts and emails, still working on it and thinking of ideas but here it is so far

desided to keep it simple for now and not make it too crouded, (does it look too empty?) and invert the colors on every thing to grab attn with out being "too much" since it's for email sigs and forum sigs and not a advertisment banner on sites.


so far today i think imma work on the promotion code for check out for promotions i run in advertisments and the newsletter.


ad the text discription to the right of the pictures when vewing them in thee catagory list window


add a "advertise with us" box and info page


fix the flash banner on the main page (forgot to store it on my site so it's pulling from armotech and thier site is down atm :(


prob set up the drawing "contest for the order(s) at cost as well as the legal disclamer


and hopefully add more products


busy busy day today :)

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oh btw, got my very first account sig up today :) i REALLY wish that flash was working, think imma take it out till armotech's site is up and i can get the flash movie and change the code, or replace it altogether, who knows. but anyway... FIRST ACCOUNT SIGN UP, WOOHOO

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It is stock osCommerce, so you need to replace the "Copyright osCommerce" statement in my opinion.


What's with the big gaps??




Uninspiring. Have a look around other sites to see some examples of what can be done with a little work.

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yeah i know it's very stock by the look, right now all the work im doing is back end really. i want to make the site fully usable before i worry about the overall look of it.


and that evil gap is caused by the flash not loading up that i mentions in the last post working on it atm hehe.

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yeah i know it's very stock by the look, right now all the work im doing is back end really. i want to make the site fully usable before i worry about the overall look of it.


and that evil gap is caused by the flash not loading up that i mentions in the last post working on it atm hehe.



ok ok, nice work, just don't make a diary out of this post.

Treasurer MFC

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  • 1 month later...

ok guys and gals, my site is ready for another pass in the grinder, whats the ups and downs of my site and what do you think overall of it? www.vssales.net

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Looks better than before, not too sure about the green buttons with the rest of the colours. Maybe just a colour thing in general.

Your box corners need be transparent.

You'll probably get more replies if you put a clickable link in the thread.

SEO missing big time. Header & meta tags, SEO url's, speed optimisation etc.

Not too sure on the flash at the top.


Not much time to go through it all, just first impression.

A little knowledge is dangerous, I SHOULD KNOW.

If Life Begins At 40, What ends????

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks better than before, not too sure about the green buttons with the rest of the colours. Maybe just a colour thing in general.

Your box corners need be transparent.

You'll probably get more replies if you put a clickable link in the thread.

SEO missing big time. Header & meta tags, SEO url's, speed optimisation etc.

Not too sure on the flash at the top.


Not much time to go through it all, just first impression.



what do you mean SEO?


and thanks for the tip about the clickable link


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