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The e-commerce.

Going Live May 1st. (I hope)


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Hi All,


I want to go live on May 1st, but would like to have your honest opinions. The site name is www.kodiakcuttingtools.net. I currently operate kodiakcuttingtools.com, and it has been fairly successful, but too expensive to operate. That's why I switched to OSCommerce.

Thank you



your shopping cart link doesnt work, may be because its called in upper case? SHOPPING_CART.PHP?



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Site looks nice, like the layout and colors. I personally think you should center the whole thing. Does any one else agree?


Also, you have a long url for your site, maybe make a mirror that repeat customer could remember easily.

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i have a very long domain name... and it actually helps in my rankings on msn when people search for words that are in it. Having a long one isn't a bad thing, and honestly if people like something they are more likely to bookmark it than remember the domain name.


As for the site, not bad... the big search button pushing over the left column kinda bugs me and it dissapears when you go to the log in page... that is as far as I went. The links when you mouse over them are way too light for that background color, you can not read them.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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The very first thing I notice is the "99% Order Fill Rate" - this leaves me scratching my head. What does this mean? Does it add any value to your website? I would take it off, the more important information is that you ship the same day the order is placed. This is what your customers want to know (and get excited about).

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Thank you for all the feedback. I've made many changes.


Please take a look at the finished product, www.kodiakcuttingtools.net


I removed the Search button that was encroaching on the left column.


99% order fill rate simply explains that someones order has a 99% chance of shipping complete the same day. I understand the concerns and will attempt to change the verbage.


Is centering the site important?


I added a new photo on the main page. It looks much better.

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Just one quick thing that I see on the homepage that turns me off, your e-mail address is @msn.com I would get an e-mail that matches my domain like [email protected]

Having the @msn.com email address for your main site e-mail makes you kinda look like a two bit operation that isn't really serious about their business on-line. Just an opinion though. It's nice to see osC sites selling something other than gift-baskets, autoparts, and lingerie. I think you have a good business opportunity there with such a specialized product.


Good work.

osCommerce is a great piece of software with wonderful contributions.

Spend some time in the contribution area. There are a lot of gems there.

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