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The e-commerce.

Integrating OSC with an existing website...


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I'm completely new to OScommerce and wanted to know if it's possible to integrate OScommerce into an existing website.


So let's say that someone has a design for a webshop... can he then use OSC


I've browsed the documentation but couldn't find any fast answers there and I don't have time to search alot... All I need to know is if this is possible with OSCommerce and if it's relatively easy to do ...


Thanks in advance for the advice...



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Possible? Yes. You will need to modify the osCommerce HTML and CSS to make it look like your existing design.



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Possible? Yes.  You will need to modify the osCommerce HTML and CSS to make it look like your existing design.





Okay, do you think a procedure like that is documentated somewhere ? Or are there any tutorials on that ? Cause I can't believe everyone just uses this standard template wich is supplied with OSC ....




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