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The e-commerce.

Step 7 - table configuration doesn't exist


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I've CHMOD 777 the following files:




And am still getting the following error in Step 7 (after i enter my database & user information)


New Installation


osCommerce Configuration


A test connection made to the database was NOT successful.


The error message returned is:


Table 'iaa.configuration' doesn't exist


Please click on the Back button below to review your database server settings.


If you require help with your database server settings, please consult your hosting company.

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it doesn't have to do with the chmod of the config files, it is not able to find the table iaa.configuration


no idea what that is though so that is all i can tell you

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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This is the 1st time i've tried to install & use osCommerce, so don't really know how to resolve the error message.


From most of my searching, most ppl have said the error was due to them not chmod'ing these 2 files.

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Well, i could be wrong.. lol been known to happen. If they said it was the chmod then it very well could be.


How are you trying to chmod the files? Using an ftp program or through your hosts admin panel?

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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Through FTP client.

They don't provide shell access.


I've right-clicked on botth the files and select rwe for all options which displays 777 as the file access level.


I wasn't suggesting that this was the cause, i was just trying to avoid the replies of "you need to chmod these files to 777".


I'm hoping it is something else, because even after I've chmod'd the files I still cant get step 7 to work..

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View in yor .sql file and verify exist this --> (`) in your file. Example in your congiguration table


CREATE TABLE `configuration` (
 `configuration_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `configuration_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
 `configuration_key` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
 `configuration_value` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `configuration_description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `configuration_group_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `sort_order` int(5) default NULL,
 `last_modified` datetime default NULL,
 `date_added` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
 `use_function` varchar(255) default NULL,
 `set_function` varchar(255) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`configuration_id`)


if exists remove all (`) characther and try

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I have the following in my catalog\install\oscommerce.sql file, which looks essentially the same as what you posted.


CREATE TABLE configuration (

  configuration_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,

  configuration_title varchar(64) NOT NULL,

  configuration_key varchar(64) NOT NULL,

  configuration_value varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  configuration_description varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  configuration_group_id int NOT NULL,

  sort_order int(5) NULL,

  last_modified datetime NULL,

  date_added datetime NOT NULL,

  use_function varchar(255) NULL,

  set_function varchar(255) NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (configuration_id)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
This is STILL a problem.

Can anyone help?

I found a solution on http://forum.powweb.com/archive/index.php/t-21936.html:


I found out what the issue was.... or at least the workaround.


I had no data to import so I always unchecked the 'import catalog data' checkbox.


Apparently it needs to do this, even if you don't have any data to import. Once I kept this checked, the whole thing worked.

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