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I have done alot of searching through the site on this topic but all I see is how to export/import products. I have a customer DB in Excel format and I wish to modify this spreadsheet so that I can import all 4500 customers right into OSC. This DB was created by me and not an export of data from another DB. It was created for my own personal use, but now I wish to make the necesary mods to the file and import all customers into OSC.


Has anyone tried this or know of a way to accomplish this in the easiest way possible.


Thanks in advance,



I am actually dealing with the same issue Blowtoke is. I have an Excel spreadsheet of existing customers which I would like to import into OSC.


I have scoured the support forums, guide, and contributions but I have not seen any mods or instructions on how to do this.


In the control panel, I can't even figure out how to add the customers manually, one at a time. ???


Any help on this would be hugely and vastly appreciated.


There is currently no contribution that will do this for you.


It is possible to do what both of you want however you have two challenges:

1. You need to map each one of your fields to the appropiate fields in the osCommerce database

2. You need to consider how to handle customer passwords. (The passwords are not stored in clear text in the database). A possible solution is to tell your old customers to click the "Password Forgotten?" link


Once you have done the above, a script is necessary to perform the update to the database.


There's not much more that someone can help you without looking at a sample of your Excel spreadsheets.

It will also be a lot of work so it may be difficult for someone to give you a complete solution through free support at this forum.





Thanks for the quick response.


It's surprising that someone hasn't come up with an import customer mod...


Since I'm not too certain how to go about mapping the fields to areas of the OSC datatbase, I think I'll end up emailing my former customers and invite them to come over and make new accounts. Seems to be the only (easier) workaround.


Rob, thanks again for your fast reply. At least I know how to proceed now.


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