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The e-commerce.

admin security


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I'm worried about the security of the admin section of the site. I've been playing around with .htaccess files to protect the admin, but even once I get this working the admin will be accesssible from the net with username & pswd. Is this the generally accepted way of running the oscommerce admin or have i missed a major point in the setup?


Am I supposed to have the admin running on a local server in some way?





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there are many items on this, use an htaccess file (best) also admin access with levels contribution.

this is generally the best way for htaccess

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If you have a decent web hosting control panel then use the Password Protect or Directory Protection feature to Password Protect that directory. This feature writes the .htpasswd and .htaccess files for you, no need to go installing anything yourself.


Before you do that remember to rename the 'admin' folder to something unique, and edit the two references in admin/includes/configure.php from /admin/ to /newname/



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