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Order is missing from OSC Panel


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I have an order that I was able to get shipped, but it is not showing up in the OSC panel as pending, processing or delivered. HOWEVER, in the database it shows up as an order with my remarks sent back and the changing of status to delivered. Does anyone know how I can get it to show up in the OSC panel?





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Someone suggested I post what fixed my issue in hopes it would help others.


Here goes...



All my new orders showed up fine... there was just one order that wasnt showing up. The person's account was there and the order was there... but I could only find the order in the database OR by searching via a specific order number in the osc panel. I was fairly sure the problem was related to the order coming through while we were working on the modules problem I was having. So, after looking in the database and searching for the specific order number, we found out that although there was an order.. the actual subtotal, shipping and total was missing. Once we added this information, the ordered showed up fine.


Hope this helps,



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