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The e-commerce.

1054 error, Unknown column 'p.products_description


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Like the subject says, I have no idea why I'm getting this error when products_description is certainly in the database.


What I'm doing is hacking the Quick Price Updates 2.6 contrib to put in a Description column. Here's the relevant code chunk:


                  foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS['product_new_description'] as $id => $new_description) {
                        if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['product_new_description'][$id] != $HTTP_POST_VARS['product_old_description'][$id]) {
                          $item_updated[$id] = 'updated';
                          mysql_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " SET products_description='" . $new_description . "' WHERE products_id=$id and language_id=" . $languages_id);
         mysql_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " SET products_last_modified=now() WHERE products_id=$id");


Oh, here is where the Description column should be getting made:


<?php if(DISPLAY_WEIGHT == 'true')echo " <a href=\"" . tep_href_link( FILENAME_QUICK_UPDATES, 'cPath='. $current_category_id .'&sort_by=p.products_description ASC&page=' . $page.'&row_by_page=' . $row_by_page . '&manufacturer=' . $manufacturer)."\" >".tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icon_up.gif', TEXT_SORT_ALL . 'Description' . ' ' . TEXT_ASCENDINGLY)."</a>
                    <a href=\"" . tep_href_link( FILENAME_QUICK_UPDATES, 'cPath='. $current_category_id .'&sort_by=p.products_description DESC&page=' . $page.'&row_by_page=' . $row_by_page . '&manufacturer=' . $manufacturer)."\" >".tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icon_down.gif', TEXT_SORT_ALL . 'Description' . ' ' . TEXT_DESCENDINGLY)."</a>
                    <br>" . 'Description' . "</td>"; ?>

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seems some people have it one way, others another... atleast that is what I have come across when tryng to help people with some querry issues

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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seems some people have it one way, others another... atleast that is what I have come across when tryng to help people with some querry issues


Holy ! :D


I'm in shock! I can't remember the last time that somebody was actually able to answer a question of mine on this forum!!


It worked. You are teh awesome. Thank you, thank you.


Now if I could just get it to actually show a text field instead of an empty space...

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