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The e-commerce.

Recurring Billing


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One thing I haven't been able to do with osCommerce is recurring billing, where a customer buys a product/service and are billed according to the billing cycle.


I wish to be able to sell services that are renewed monthly and yearly.

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best to use an accounting package which integrates with osCommerce, where you can setup the recurring and at the end of each month process the recurring entries, sending out the invoices.


I use TurboCash for that.

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If you just want to notify your customers at a regular time, you could try AutoEmailer (see my signature). It comes with example scripts but you will need to edit one for your particular situation.



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If you just want to notify your customers at a regular time, you could try AutoEmailer (see my signature).  It comes with example scripts but you will need to edit one for your particular situation.




AFAIK the closest ive found it Jack`s contrib above.

The paypal contrib above changes all paypal sales so theyre recurring from what I can see.


I think this is the only area in which there isnt really a suitable contrib?

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osCommerce does not do accounting, you need to do that yourself. all that is generated is the invoice from your products you sell. osCommerce doesnt give you your profit, loss, etc all that has to be programmed. which is why others use an accounting package to track all of that.

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osCommerce does not do accounting, you need to do that yourself.  all that is generated is the invoice from your products you sell.  osCommerce doesnt give you your profit, loss, etc all that has to be programmed.  which is why others use an accounting package to track all of that.


Ok let me rephrase that then.

There are existing contributions that can be added to the stock osc code that does all the above. ;)

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