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Need Simple Discount Coupon Contribution


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I'm looking for the simplest way to add a discount code box to my site where customers type in a certain code and get a specific discount, like 10% off order total. I'd like to use this method to offer sales via email to established customers. I'd also like to be able to time frame the sale and have option to offer on only certain categories of goods.


I've checked out the Credit Class & Gift Voucher contribution and it looks like a "bear" to install. I also looked at the CGDiscount Specials and Discount Groups contributions.


Could someone familiar with these contributions please tell me the easiest way to accomplish this? I'm no "coder" and am very close to going "live" so don't want to mess things up at this late date. The CCGV contribution looks very complicated and scares me! Especially with the bug fixes needed.


Any help would be appreciated,


Katie "Princess Papoola" :blink:

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Its the only way to go, its not that bad, just sit down for like 30 minutes and follow all the instructions line for line and you'll be fine.


Thanks, Dave. Your 30 minutes is probably my four days but I appreciate the encouragement. I was afraid this was the only way to go so I'll just jump in.



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I'm considering installing this as well. My concern is that it changes the payment class. Is that not true? The contribution installation instructions imply that it does. Especially confusing is that you need the payment class beforegetting the coupon contrib.




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Hi Dave! Can you tell me which one to download???

It would be nice if these mod where always compiled to one single download everytime someone makes a change to it.

I really don't know which one to download.






http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,282 this is the one you should get.  It requires no other contribs in order to work.  Doesnt change anything, just adds the ability to sell gift vouchers and adds a coupon code box to the checkout pages.

"There are only 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. "

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