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[Contribution] - USPS Methods

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forget that.. the 2 files are WORLDS apart.. I can not decipher with my limited coding skills

Have not had time yet but someone said that Forevers version posted earlier for 5.2 the handling works but had other bugs. I really need to go get that one and do a compare. I went back and looked and found flying kites ver but does anyone have the link for a.forevers version

Edited by bkpie
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So, to make this work, do I basically remove everything in the configuration table related to USPS? If not, how do I know what to remove? I see a lot of MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS stuff. Is there anything else I need to do in the data base? Looking at the instructions for Methods 5.2 Complete I don't see anything about the database

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First make a full back up of your database. Then uninstall the module. Then remove any remaining lines in the configuration table that contain USPS. After that is done you can install the updated module.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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kymation / bkpie / wkdwich


FYI: I'm using a highly modified version of USPS Methods 5.2+. I'm currently working/testing on my development server (XAMPP) and have not uploaded my code to live site yet - still working on one issue.


I have all my shipping services for US Domestic (First-Class Mail Parcel, Standard Post, Priority Mail, Priority Mail Express) and International (First-Class Package International Service, Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Box, Priority Mail International, Priority Mail Express International) displaying correctly. Looks like they are OK on Estimator page, order confirmation page and final confirmation page (w/shipping). I have not tried a full order through PayPal yet.


The handling fee, insurance amount and delivery timing are all adding/displaying correctly. The handling fee is calculating from the setting in Admin, it is NOT hard coded.


Check the forum: "Heads Up: July 28, 2013 USPS Name Change for Express Mail". See my post (#52) for how I got the services to all display and the fix for the handling fee.


Maybe this will help to modify your code.



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I would be very interested to learn what your module is sending to USPS for First Class quotes. I've received three different responses from the same request. That leads me to believe that the USPS server is inconsistent or unstable. If there is a query that returns consistent results I can work with that.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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First make a full back up of your database. Then uninstall the module. Then remove any remaining lines in the configuration table that contain USPS. After that is done you can install the updated module.





NOT ALL of them :)) If you have other shipping modules installed there will be one entry that shows that.. so that one needs to be edited.

Debbie D
Franklin County, VA "Moonshine Capitol of the World"
osCmax Mobile Template oscmaxtemplates.com

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Uninstalling the module removes the usps.php entry from the Installed Modules list, so no need to edit that one. Once the module is uninstalled there should be NO entries referencing USPS. Any that do need to be removed.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Uninstalling the module removes the usps.php entry from the Installed Modules list, so no need to edit that one. Once the module is uninstalled there should be NO entries referencing USPS. Any that do need to be removed.


Nope not always.. when you are screwing around trying to find one that works and uploading either before the uninstall or uploading a really wrong version.. it does not always remove the info from that entry.

Debbie D
Franklin County, VA "Moonshine Capitol of the World"
osCmax Mobile Template oscmaxtemplates.com

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I was assuming that you had properly uninstalled the old module before uploading a new module, and that your module did not contain coding errors. Either one of those can leave the entry in the Installed Shipping Modules field, as @@wkdwich just reminded me, so you might need to edit that field.


I need to stop making these assumptions.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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I'm having 1 final issue in my USPS Methods 5.2+ code.

The $insurance & $iinsurance values are returning a string of characters from the Insurance <Price> all the way through to the Signature Confirmation <Price> (see example below).


Here's a sample of the US domestic $insurance variable value for First-Class Mail Parcel. If I look at the $insurance value directly after the insurance value is set by the preg_match statement (or ereg, depending on what you have) comparing against the $response from the USPS servers, it gives me this:



3.050truefalse15Signature Confirmationtruetrue2.70


The correct response should be just 3.05. It's picking up all the xml values from Insurance <Price> through Signature Confirmation <Price>.

Has anyone tested their $insurance & $iinsurance values directly??? Are you seeing this same issue??? What's strange is that the totals are correct on the estimator page and checkout pages - adds cost + postage + insurance + handling fee. It also displays the correct insurance amount on the line that states "--- Insured for $130.00" when the "display Insurance" setting is turned on in Admin. Note: I used $130.00 for an example display, but it displays the correct value depending on the order.


Here's a sample of the full USPS response string (decoded - without the XML) for US domestic First-Class Mail Parcel:



402454024509.60PARCELREGULAR1First-Class Mail3.261Insurancetruefalse3.050truefalse15Signature Confirmationtruetrue2.702.20


This is the code that I have for the "Insurance" XML match to set the $insurance value:


if (preg_match('/Insurance<\/ServiceName><Available>true<\/Available><AvailableOnline>true/', $response[$i]))

{$insurance = preg_match('/Insurance<\/ServiceName><Available>true<\/Available><AvailableOnline>true<\/AvailableOnline><Price>(.*)<\/Price>/', $response[$i], $regs);

$insurance = $regs[1];


elseif (preg_match('/Insurance<\/ServiceName><Available>true<\/Available><AvailableOnline>false/', $response[$i]))

{$insurance = preg_match('/Insurance<\/ServiceName><Available>true<\/Available><AvailableOnline>false<\/AvailableOnline><Price>(.*)<\/Price>/', $response[$i], $regs);

$insurance = $regs[1];


else { $insurance = 0;



The above XML string matches the USPS response email exactly.


Does anyone know why this is returning the full "string" of data vs. just the value 3.05??? Maybe I'm a little brain dead from going over this for several days. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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*** WARNING *** This WILL be cross posted for clarification across ALL USPS shipping module threads.


There are, for all intent and purpose, TWO different modules, 2 very different modules. One of those modules has morphed itself 3 times in the ADD-ON section of osCommerce.com/info/xxxx


When posting to any USPS module thread PLEASE state which osC vX.X.X as well as which USPS module you are using. If you are unsure what version of the USPS module you are currently using, PLEASE paste the first few lines of /catalog/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php file here so maybe we can help you make the determination.


Here is my take on the module morphing:


USPS Rate V4 Intl Rate V2 - v.1.0

at some point was set to NOT allow uploads to the module, essentially closing it to further updates.

this morphed into:


USPS Rates ServerV4 (for osc2.2)

which also at some point was set to NOT allow uploads to the module, essentially closing it to further updates.

this then morphed into:


USPS Methods Rates V4 Intl Rates V2 - 01-27-13 Update

this one is being currently maintained, within thread http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/383307-usps-rate-v4-intl-rate-v2-official-support-thread albeit with some errors still in regards to First Class rates and handling fees. See post #748 above for that: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/383307-usps-rate-v4-intl-rate-v2-official-support-thread/page__st__740#entry1678247


The second module is:


USPS Methods

This one is being maintained within the ADD-ON section and within thread

http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/146950-contribution-usps-methods/ HOWEVER there are MANY MANY updates there.. 5.2.x 6.x and now 5.3


There is at least one further active USPS module thread:


Heads Up: July 28, 2013 USPS Name Change for Express Mail

which is mostly referring to the USPS Methods module #487 with some cross posting going on there as well.


So there you have it.. please lets try and post to the proper thread and let everyone know what you are using so we can best help you!

Debbie D
Franklin County, VA "Moonshine Capitol of the World"
osCmax Mobile Template oscmaxtemplates.com

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*** REPLY moved from one of the other threads ***


Just uploaded 5.3.0:

- fixed handling rates not being added

- fixed processing time not being added to estimates

- added field to specify delivery times in lieu of estimate provided by USPS




Let me know if there are any issues. Also feel free to contribute / watch on github:







I thoroughly looked through your code and indeed I see all the references to adding handling fees.. however I am still not seeing it.. My client is running osCmax v2.5 (I stated wrong in a few places it as osC v2.5)

I just un-installed the USPS Methods v5.2 and uploaded/installed your USPS Methods v5.3.

All quotes seem to be proper, including handling fees, domestic & International

EXCEPT First Class is still not adding any handling fees on the domestic. It did add it on international:

First-Class Mail International Large Envelope**

First-Class Package International Service**


but not the domestic..


So close.. sooooo close...

Debbie D
Franklin County, VA "Moonshine Capitol of the World"
osCmax Mobile Template oscmaxtemplates.com

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*** REPLY moved from one of the other threads ***






I thoroughly looked through your code and indeed I see all the references to adding handling fees.. however I am still not seeing it.. My client is running osCmax v2.5 (I stated wrong in a few places it as osC v2.5)

I just un-installed the USPS Methods v5.2 and uploaded/installed your USPS Methods v5.3.

All quotes seem to be proper, including handling fees, domestic & International

EXCEPT First Class is still not adding any handling fees on the domestic. It did add it on international:

First-Class Mail International Large Envelope**

First-Class Package International Service**


but not the domestic..


So close.. sooooo close...


If you'd like to make a feature request, please post it on the "issues" page:



Also - anyone is welcome to fork and make pull requests

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If you'd like to make a feature request, please post it on the "issues" page:



Also - anyone is welcome to fork and make pull requests


Evan, I wasn't asking for more features.. I was stating that domestic first class handling fee is STILL not being added...



Debbie D
Franklin County, VA "Moonshine Capitol of the World"
osCmax Mobile Template oscmaxtemplates.com

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Hello. I was wondering if someone could help me. I've got this installed and it seems to be working perfectly except for one thing. For some reason it is only showing the prices but not the names of the methods during checkout. It has caused this to also happen with the UPS module. So basically on my checkout_shipping page I've got a list of prices under UPS and USPS and functioning radio buttons but blank otherwise in the field. I checked the obvious and mouse selected over it to see if the font was the same color as the background. Duh right? But no. The names of the methods simply are not displaying. Kind of weird. Any ideas? I don't know if this is related or not but my site is now not displaying the names of the path along the top. Just arrows. Everything seems to be functioning just fine though. HELP!!!

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Have not had time yet but someone said that Forevers version posted earlier for 5.2 the handling works but had other bugs. I really need to go get that one and do a compare. I went back and looked and found flying kites ver but does anyone have the link for a.forevers version


a.forever put up a module post #621 on this thread USPS Rate V4, Intl Rate V2 (official support thread) and it adds in the handling fee but not correctly. You can read my post #622 in same thread for details.


You may want to read my posts in this thread you are reading right now at #1272 and #1277



Edited by spiritalan

osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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I am now getting this error when I try to edit an order.

"$ShipmentRateDetail$ShipmentRateDetail Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_round_up() in /my catalog/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 357"

What do I need to do to fix?

Here is line 357

$shipping_ounces = tep_round_up((16 * ($shipping_weight - floor($shipping_weight))), 2);

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First of all, I would like to thank an as-yet unnamed sponsor for allowing me to update the module again and release it to the community.


Just uploaded 7.0.1, and it's available for download here:



Please note that not all methods have been tested / confirmed working (although many have been). If you would like to confirm any methods as working / broken, or if you would like to commit a fix, please see the following issue:



Please "watch" the github repo for future updates.



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superdaddy - have you got your problem sorted out?


I had a similar problem where the value for ['title'] was missing because of the changed naming conventions from USPS, but if USPS was selected it wouldn't go to the checkout_payment.php page.


Forestshopkeeper - I cannot find that line in my usps.php file. I though you were using the same module I was.


What I do have is:


$shipping_ounces = ceil((16 * ($shipping_weight - $shipping_pounds)) * 100) / 100; // rounded to two decimal digits

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The fever today is not helping matters...

client running oscMAX v2.5.x with USPS Methods v5.3

Everything works except domestic first class handling fee NOT being added.. it is added everywhere else.. both domestic and international (including 1st class) Oh and I see that First Class does not show "---Approx. delivery time" while all the other rates do -- it shows those words - but no date or any other info is there..


did I miss a fix for this or what??? Evan's 7.0 didn't bode well on this setup.. I'm a little fearful of dropping in the V4 Intern'l V2 version.. I'd like to get this resolved already :)

Edited by wkdwich

Debbie D
Franklin County, VA "Moonshine Capitol of the World"
osCmax Mobile Template oscmaxtemplates.com

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I've tried both USPS Methods 6.3.1 (latest) and the one linked here from github, 7.0.1, and with both I have the same issue. Even though I am selecting the cheapest option, parcel post, when I get to the confirmation page it changes to the most expensive option, priority express. I don't understand why.

Edited by PropioWeb

Samuel Mateo, Jr.

osC 2.2 MS2

Installed Mods:

WYSIWYG HTMLArea 1.7 | Basic Template System 1.0 | osC-Affiliate | OSC-SupportTicket

Featured Products 1.3 | LoginBox 5.2 | LatestNews 1.1.3 | Extras for IE

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