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Can "Cart Contents" be changed to "Shopping Cart"?


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In the upper left-hand corner of the stock "catalog/index.php" page there are 3 graphics with the associated text (My Account, Cart Contents, Checkout) below it. I'd like to just change the text from reading "Cart Contents" to "Shopping Cart" as well as changing the mouse-over tool tip on the graphic to show "Shopping Cart" too.


I'm just starting to learn PHP and HTML, so I apologize for a simple question, but I can't seem to locate where to make this change. I've tracked down a "header.php" file that I thought might have it, but I don't see the above text anywhere in this file.


Any insights would be greatly appreciated, thank you! :)


Forever learning,


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includes/languages/english.php - change the text and it will change the name in the navbar and the mouseover for the image above.


define('HEADER_TITLE_CART_CONTENTS', 'Cart Contents');



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