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no install directory in archive?


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I'm trying to do a fresh UNIX install but after reading and reading the instructions they did not make sense.


Eventually figured there was a problem extracting the archive, I done a gunzip then tar xvf... this error occurs...




x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_unlock.gif, 460 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_update.gif, 461 bytes, 1 tape blocks

tar: directory checksum error


I did not notice this error at first so just assumed it had finished extracting the files.


I also noticed someone had a similar problem in this thread... http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=144254


When I cd through the directories this is all I have...


# ls -l

total 2

drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 impact 512 Apr 7 09:52 catalog

# cd catalog

# ls -l

total 2

drwxr-xr-x 4 1000 impact 1024 Apr 7 09:52 admin

# cd admin

# ls

backup.php includes products_expected.php

banner_manager.php index.php reviews.php

banner_statistics.php invoice.php server_info.php

cache.php languages.php specials.php

categories.php mail.php stats_customers.php

configuration.php manufacturers.php stats_products_purchased.php

countries.php modules.php stats_products_viewed.php

currencies.php newsletters.php tax_classes.php

customers.php orders.php tax_rates.php

define_language.php orders_status.php whos_online.php

file_manager.php packingslip.php zones.php

geo_zones.php popup_image.php

images products_attributes.php



I tried a "tar xvfi <filename.tar> which ignores the checksum errors and I get the missing files (but not sure if it will still behave ok) but wondering why this isn't a common issue, or is it? :(


Can anyone help? I'm not having problems extracting any other tar files, I'm using Solaris.

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Did you download this from www.oscommerce.com or somewhere else? You should not have a problem with the checksum if downloaded from www.oscommerce.com, but be wary if you get a checksum error if downloaded from anywhere else.



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I tried downloading from the official site, tried the two locations where the file is hosted. Both the same error. I tried downloading the ms version and unzipped it and that is when I seen all the directories that I was missing.


If I try a "tar tvf" to list the files in the archive I can see all the files, but problem occurs with the extraction. It's odd someone else had the same error. The only cause I can think of is it may not be fully compatible with Solaris 9. Maybe someone can confirm this


# ls -l oscommerce-2.2ms2.tar.gz

-rw------- 1 root grp 891581 Apr 7 13:37 oscommerce-2.2ms2.tar.gz


# gunzip oscommerce-2.2ms2.tar.gz

gunzip: oscommerce-2.2ms2.tar already exists; do you wish to overwrite (y or n)? y


# ls -l oscommerce-2.2ms2.tar

-rw------- 1 root grp 4177920 Apr 7 13:49 oscommerce-2.2ms2.tar



# tar xvf oscommerce-2.2ms2.tar


x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_reset.gif, 438 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_restore.gif, 450 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_save.gif, 433 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_search.gif, 448 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_select.gif, 446 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_send.gif, 441 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_send_mail.gif, 468 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_template_admin.psd, 22082 bytes, 44 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_unlock.gif, 460 bytes, 1 tape blocks

x oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_update.gif, 461 bytes, 1 tape blocks

tar: directory checksum error


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Well, Solaris is not exactly the most widely used system in the world today - so I am just making a guess that you are correct that it is a problem with the system.



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Well, Solaris is not exactly the most widely used system in the world today - so I am just making a guess that you are correct that it is a problem with the system.




Thanks :D


If it turns out to be an OS issue then the issue is with compatibility rather than the system. Just in case anyone else has the same problem.


I can unpack anyother file ok, this error is quite rare though and will usually occur with a corrupt file.


I wonder what would happen if someone zips their unpacked files up and sends the file to me (if I pm my email)


Could anyone help, would really appreciate it


Many thanks

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The files which are zipped and the files which are tarballed are absolutely identical - only the method of extracting is different. As you have said that you have successfully unzipped the files you don't need anyone to send them to you - or did I misunderstand that?



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Try a new fresh download, unpack it on a local computer and then just upload/transfer the already extracted files to your server.



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aah.. that's a great help as I can unzip these files on the same machine. I had no idea they were identical.


I know some ms code may differ from UNIX so I assumed that was why there were the two versions.


I never even realised that the directories in the ms structure were in the unix format. :blush:


I'll use that and hopefully this will solve all my install issues.


Many thanks!

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Try a new fresh download, unpack it on a local computer and then just upload/transfer the already extracted files to your server.




good idea too.. but at this moment my local system is also my server. :'(


I will try that if the ms files fail but if they are identical then this should sort it.



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I have to original 2.2 linux zip laying around my system sowhere too, and i can email if to you if like....

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