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Can't restore backup. Emergency!


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I had a problem with a contrib and wanted to restore the backup that I made immediately prior to starting it. So, after backing up THAT configuration, I went to restore the previous backup from the server.


All of a sudden things crash, and now it appears to be without any "brains" :angry: If you go to my home page, it gives this error:


1146 - Table 'cartinfo.configuration' doesn't exist


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration




Can anybody tell me what is going on and how I can restore my backup? :blush:



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Don't take this the wrong way - but are you sure you're trying to restore from the correct backup? Also, when you say 'backup' do you just mean the database backup, or a whole site backup?



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if you had made a contribution change to the code, restoring a backup over the top, you need to restore the code too.

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Thanks, guys!


I ended up Downloading my backups from the site to my computer. Then, I went into my PHPadmin and executed the backups with the import function.


And, yes, Mibble you are right. I will have to undo my mods. However, I renamed the files I was about to change to something else and then uploaded the modded files. So, I have the originals! :shifty: Now, if only I could remember which ones I changed for this mod! :sweating:


All this is a very good case for a test shop. I think I will create one tomorrow.


Thanks for your help!



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