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ShoppingCart Update reminder


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One possible solution for cart update reminder:


This will make the reminder text visible as soon an the input field is changed and at the same time make the checkout button invisible.


to install:


1) add this javascript to your shoppingcart.php :



function visOn(index) {

var d = document.getElementById(index);




function visOff(index) {

var d = document.getElementById(index);






2) add the reminder text where you would like it (example):


<td align="left" class="smallText"><div class="hideMe" id="cu"><font color="red">Please, Update your Basket before CheckOut</font></div></td>


3) put an "onChange" condition on the input fields (example of the remove checkbox) :


$info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => 'center',

'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="top"',

'text' => tep_draw_checkbox_field('cart_delete[]', $products[$i]['id'],'',' onChange="visOn(\'cu\');visOff(\'co\');" '));



4) put the checkout button inside a <DIV> (example) :


<td valign="top" align="right" class="main"><div class="showMe" id="co"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL') . '">' . tep_image_rollover_button('button_checkout.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CHECKOUT, 'checkout2', 'button_checkout_ro.gif') . '</a>'; ?></div></td>



5) add the 2 classes to your stylesheet :


div.hideMe {display: hidden; display: none; }

div.showMe {display: block;}




You can see it on my site.

Treasurer MFC


That is what I needed badly. Thanks very much. But where (read on which line) should the coding of '1' and '2' be pasted in shopping_cart.php?


That is what I needed badly. Thanks very much. But where (read on which line) should the coding of '1' and '2' be pasted in shopping_cart.php?



well, 1) the javascript, put it in your <head></head> section.


2) the message, where you would like it to appear. I have it left of the subtotal:




<table width="100%">


<td align="left" class="smallText"><div class="hideMe" id="cu"><font color="red">Please, Update your Basket before CheckOut</font></div></td>

<td align="right" class="main"><?php echo SUB_TITLE_SUB_TOTAL; ?> <?php echo $currencies->format($cart->show_total());?></td>





Treasurer MFC

  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the great tip Amanda - solved most of my shopping cart problems in no time at all :thumbsup:


I made a couple of alterations - using the OnClick condition for the Remove checkbox and OnKeyDown for the quantity box. Using OnChange means you have to click elsewhere on the page before the message appears.



            $info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => 'center',
                                            'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="middle"',
                                            'text' => tep_draw_checkbox_field('cart_delete[]', $products[$i]['id'], '', 'onClick="visOn(\'cu\');visOff(\'co\');"'));


      $info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => 'center',
                                            'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="middle"',
                                            'text' => tep_draw_input_field('cart_quantity[]', $products[$i]['quantity'], onKeyDown="visOn(\'cu\');visOff(\'co\');"') . tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id[]', $products[$i]['id']));

Made it make the whole Continue Shopping / Checkout box disappear - makes it more obvious to the customer that something needs to be done. I just used SPAN tags around the whole TR

<span class="showMe" id="co"></span>

  • 2 months later...

 ? ? ?$info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => 'center',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="middle"',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 'text' => tep_draw_input_field('cart_quantity[]', $products[$i]['quantity'], onKeyDown="visOn(\'cu\');visOff(\'co\');"') . tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id[]', $products[$i]['id']));


When I make the above modification, my shopping cart page disappears. Is there something wrong with the code?


 ? ? ?$info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => 'center',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="middle"',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 'text' => tep_draw_input_field('cart_quantity[]', $products[$i]['quantity'], onKeyDown="visOn(\'cu\');visOff(\'co\');"') . tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id[]', $products[$i]['id']));


When I make the above modification, my shopping cart page disappears. Is there something wrong with the code?


I think the code is missing a quote:


$info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => 'center',

'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="middle"',

'text' => tep_draw_input_field('cart_quantity[]', $products[$i]['quantity'], ' onKeyDown="visOn(\'cu\');visOff(\'co\');" ') . tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id[]', $products[$i]['id']));

Treasurer MFC


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