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The e-commerce.

Why is it so hard to re-design ?


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Just wondering if i am missing an easy way to modify the layout and design of the standard oscommerce install.


It seems that if all i want to do is alter the page title i've got to dig through layers of folders when all it needs to be is to alter the <title> tag in the header.php !


I know that it is quite a complicated system with many features but why is the layout so hard to control?


Is there an easy way ? I normally use css to control the layout of my web sites sometimes mixed with the old fashioned tables, if this were only that easy ! lol


Cheers guys.

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Just wondering if i am missing an easy way to modify the layout and design of the standard oscommerce install.


It seems that if all i want to do is alter the page title i've got to dig through layers of folders when all it needs to be is to alter the <title> tag in the header.php !


I know that it is quite a complicated system with many features but why is the layout so hard to control?


Is there an easy way ? I normally use css to control the layout of my web sites sometimes mixed with the old fashioned tables, if this were only that easy ! lol


Cheers guys.




Go to the contributions are and do a search for BTS and STS. Both are template systems which simplify the modification of the site design.


Be well,



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actually once you take the time to learn the osC layout its rather easy. There is a contribution out there that replaces the INFORMATION box instelf called 'extra pages' that basicially just replaces all the information box files for it's own and allows you to change what you see on the front page. As far as changing how the little boxes are arranged (shopping cat, whats new, specials, etc) you can find these in includes/column_left.php and includes/column_right.php. You can comment them out entirely using // before the line or if you wish, cut and paste it to the other column and vice versa. This gives you alot of movement - I personally got rid of most of the stuff like specials, whats new, and bestsellers - but that's up to you. Then there is the option to heavily edit the cart but that iwll take time and knowledge of the inner workings of osc which you only get by installing contributions and understanding how they work. Most of the contributions I've installed I already removed but I know what to do now when I want something done.

Also when you are looking for something with your site, it may already be in a contribution. SO say you want your site to have a fixed width instead of filling the entire site up - just type FIXED WIDTH in the contributions search box and you'll find a CSS styled fixed width contribution that allows this. Unless you alreayd know css this is a great addition.

Also you can add html in 'text' areas of osc to make things happen the way you want..


Keep in mind that with html - you have to change every page to make things happen. For example I have a gateway page with links, articles etc. And if I want a footer change I have to change all of my pages (unless it gets big enough that I do a outside call for one). whereas with osc and php everything is dynamic and allows you to change things in ONE file and have it changed all over the place.



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