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The e-commerce.

creating a cusotmer loyalty point programme


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Hi, I am trying to source a solution/ platform that I can use to run a customer loyalty programme for a client. In this case, I would need to set up accounts for each customer, and assign points to each customer on a monthly basis. The customers would be able to sing in to their own accounts, and check their balance. They could also check out an online catalogue of rewards which they can use their points to purchase.


Should I be approaching this project by trying to adapt a standard ecommerce platform, such as OsCommerce? It seems most of the modules that have been developed for customer loayt6l are actually an add on based on the customers sales activity within the site. In my case, the points allocated will come from an outside source, i.e. my client will assign them to each customer on a monthly basis, based on an external system.


Any help is gratefully appreciated.


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