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I started working with OSC about 9 months ago just trying to help a friend find a shopping cart solution for her site. In my day job they actually pay me to write ASP.NET code, so I began with a close enough foundation to pick things up. Some things easier than others. I'm still learning and I expect that I will keep learning for some time to come. Truth be told, I'm actually enjoying working with OSC quite a bit.


Stepping back and looking at the larger picture, the friend who I helped out has gained a great deal of benefit from the work of so many generous people here. And because of that I have benefitted mostly in intangable ways, but very real to me.


Because of that, and even though still learning I have gained a certain amount of knowledge about the application, I felt it important that I also contribute to this communtiy in my own small way. So for the last little while I've tried to make it a point to help answer the questions that some people have where I felt I was able to offer some assistance.


This has been both an enjoyable and interesting experience. I mostly enjoy helping those people who are willing to learn and really help themselves. In the process though I have encountered a few people which lack of a better word I'll call lazy. Almost to the point where I get the impression the community owes them something just because they took the time to download the software. I still do try to understand, but often times I get a little frustrated with those people.


I appoligize a little here for a bit of a rant and for my late night spelling :o , but to those who would go out of their way to critisize the software and by association the community, I would like to say guess what, the beauty of open source software is if you don't like it you are completely free the change it :)


To those who began this endevor to develop this amazing piece of software and all the hundreds or perhaps thousands who have contributed all the time and effort and done so generously, I say a great big THANK YOU :)


Be well,



If you're not having fun you're not doing it right


Teach a person to fish rather than give them a loaf of bread or however that saying goes.

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