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running sql in a database


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Hi Guys


I'm trying to install a contribution and it says:


Its easy to install and her is how it goes:


Copy The files provided to your Catalog


Run this SQL in the database:


Could anyone tell me what this means and how to do it?





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Hi Guys


I'm trying to install a contribution and it says:


Its easy to install and her is how it goes:


Copy The files provided to your Catalog


Run this SQL in the database:


Could anyone tell me what this means and how to do it?






Hi Luke,


That means to take the file that has the sql code, usually has a .sql extension, open up MySQLAdmin on your web host, open your OSC database, click on the SQL tab, paste in the sql code, and click go :) Oh and before you start don't forget to back up any files that will be changing as well as your database.


Be well,



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Hi Guys


I'm trying to install a contribution and it says:


Its easy to install and her is how it goes:


Copy The files provided to your Catalog


Run this SQL in the database:


Could anyone tell me what this means and how to do it?







Can somebody explain this process in plain English for people like us how basicly have no idea how a database works. A lot of stuff is so technical and one man/woman shop owners with little to know experience run in to problems like this.

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