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The e-commerce.

Is there such a thing as a USERS MANUAL


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So if I set up osCommerce(matti) for someone but they dont want to do anything in the code and other places for non technical people , is there a USERS MAUNAL that they could referto other than the Knowledge Base so they can learn the basic program funtctions? Sort of like what any new program comes with, you know a users manual.


Thank for the answers in advance....

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So if I set up osCommerce(matti) for someone but they dont want to do anything in the code and other places for non technical people , is there a USERS MAUNAL that they could referto other than the Knowledge Base so they can learn the basic program funtctions? Sort of like what any new program comes with, you know a users manual.


Thank for the answers in advance....




Other than the online documentation I am not aware of a users manual here. Its an ongoing effort for the contributers here writing those topics and of course as any developer will admit, the documentation is always the least fun part :o Some parts have been documented some parts haven't yet.


I have however noticed over time a few places that sold user type manuals in the form of eBooks. These items that I've seen are not released under the GPL and you would be required to purchase a copy for each of your customers to be doing the right thing.


Be well,



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Thanks for your time Tina. Where have you seen these book you mentioned? What I did was I used some of the relevant text from the knowledge Base and put together a text file. Not what I was looking for in looks but it did the job anyhow.


Thanks again Tina :)



Dino :D



Other than the online documentation I am not aware of a users manual here. Its an ongoing effort for the contributers here writing those topics and of course as any developer will admit, the documentation is always the least fun part  :o Some parts have been documented some parts haven't yet.


I have however noticed over time a few places that sold user type manuals in the form of eBooks. These items that I've seen are not released under the GPL and you would be required to purchase a copy for each of your customers to be doing the right thing.


Be well,



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