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What does this mean?


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Recently, I just noticed that when you click on LINKS on our website, it doesn't work anything. It just refreshes the page. I tried to figure out what the problem was, and even took the footer file off of anohter of our websites - but it didn't correct it. We downloaded the links manager contrib and reup'ed all the files. Same thing.


Then I thought maybe we needed to refresh our cache. Then I go into there and I see this...


Categories Box File does not exist

Manufacturers Box 10/10/2004 10:25:53

Also Purchased Module 12/29/2004 16:12:55

Cache Directory: /tmp/


What does this mean please! Is there anything else that could be happening because of this?

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This is just a guess, but did something happen to your

catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php ?


I'm not very familiar with that contrib, but if I saw "Category Box File", I would assume it was talking about that file.


Just some thoughts..


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