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The e-commerce.

Quick look at my site/increase manu. chars


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Your tabs at the top dont work? Some of your borders are messedup in FireFox and there are other display errors that are noticeable between the two browsers. I dont really care the the "unfinished look" IMO.


But it does not look stock and I commend you on that ;)

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A small tip.....change the page title in your english.php file from osCommerce to your store name...... :thumbsup:


Othervise the store looks great, nice colors and the feathers in the logo...wooowwww....

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ahh...changed the title.....was wondering where to do that. logo is interesting, but yeah....i think adobe as well....they kind of have the feather thing down....

thanks for your feedback so far.....also, anyone know how to increase the characters in manufacturers drop down?


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