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Shipping address -vs- Billing address


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is there an easy way to turn on shipping address during checkout -vs- the option changing billing address, which is currently being displayed. I have looked thru the admin section on shipping options, and my customers would like to be able to change the shipping address during the check-out process, but all my items relate everything to "change billing" address.


You help would be a great help again.



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Customers can change both the shipping and billing addresses themselves during checkout.


When they click "Change Address" from the checkout_shipping.php page, they'll go to checkout_shipping_address.php. From there they can create a new shipping address or select another existing address.


Likewise, when they click "Change Address" from the checkout_payment.php page, they'll go to checkout_payment_address.php. From there they can create a new billing address or select another existing address.


Is that what you're asking? B)

"Buy the ticket, take the ride..." -HST

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Yes, but I am not sure what my site is doing during checkout. They never hit the checkout_shipping page. They goto checkout_payment, this gives them billing change options. If I type in the url for checkout_shipping they get redirected to checkout_payment. if I type the url for checkout_shipping_address, that page comes up ok. Seems like my links and order are not correct. Can you help me with this.



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Sorry, that's a new one to me...


Have you done any mods to checkout_shipping.php? What shipping modules are you using? Are you perhaps selling only downloadable products?


I have seen requests from people who WANT to skip checkout_shipping, but don't know how to do it--ya'll should hook up. ;)

"Buy the ticket, take the ride..." -HST

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