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The e-commerce.

Kit or sets


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I would like to put together several products into a kit, so tat the customer don't have to do it. For example 5 products from the shop included in this kit.


I know I could create a product for this kit, but then it will mess up the counting of how many I have etc.


Does anyone know how to do this?



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have a look in the contribs for bundles

i wrote my own based on one from contrib and it works pretty well. still a few admin bugs tho

Hi, thank you!

Dunno if I use the right one, but I got




1146 - Table 'handin.TABLE_PRODUCTS_BUNDLES' doesn't exist
select pb.subproduct_id, pb.subproduct_qty, p.products_model, p.products_quantity, p.products_bundle from TABLE_PRODUCTS_BUNDLES pb LEFT JOIN products p ON p.products_id=pb.subproduct_id where pb.bundle_id = '876'



Why does it put a "handin" before the name of the table?

"handin" is the name of my database

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That is an error message generated by the database query function tep_query(). It is saying that it can find the database but not the table name (unless you have a table called TABLE_PRODUCTS_BUNDLES) You need to add a table definition to database_tables.php for products_bundles

I ain't got time to bleed

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