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PayPal main checkout page


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hi - i installed the PayPal IPN contrib, now the PayPal checkout page has changed. Before, it was a very nice page that showed on the left side that the buyer did not have a paypal account to use a credit card, the right side of the page was for people who have a paypal account. That was perfect.


Now after the contrib was aded, the paypal checkout page is just for people with a paypal account :-( not good.


how can i change this back to use the paypal chechout page that has the option for paying without having an account?



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hi - i installed the PayPal IPN contrib, now the PayPal checkout page has changed. Before, it was a very nice page that showed on the left side that the buyer did not have a paypal account to use a credit card, the right side of the page was for people who have a paypal account.  That was perfect. 


Now after the contrib was aded, the paypal checkout page is just for people with a paypal account :-( not good.


how can i change this back to use the paypal chechout page that has the option for paying without having an account?




any ideas?

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I use the PayPal IPN module. When the customer gets the PayPal page, it gives them the option to log in if they have a PayPal account, or pay with a credit card, and no Paypal account.

Rik Rasmussen

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