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The e-commerce.

Can someone please help? Might be a simple answer.


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So I installed OSCommerce 2.2ms and started tinkering around to change the look a little bit and suddenly I have an extra drop down menu listing manufacturers right next to the text that says "Let's See What We Have Here" (which by the way has dissapeared) I don't miss the text too much but I can 't seem to get rid of the drop down menu. Can anyone tell me what setting in which file to change so that I can get rid of this menu? Also this only shows up when there is more than one product in a category. Anybody here that can please help? I am sure it is a simple fix but I have looked everywhere and can't seem to figure this out.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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to remove the manufacturers menu go to admin section, click "catalog" and delete all the manufacturers. when they all gone the drop down menu will be hidden from the site pages.

I don't want to remove manufacturers drop down list completely. I still have it showing under the categories box and that is just fine. I just don't want it to show up on top of the page like it does.

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