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No shipping when paypal is used


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When someone makes an order with paypal only the subtotal is sent to the paypal site. The shipping is shown on the order total page right befre you hit confirm but it is not sent along with the order.


Thanks for any help in advance.

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Lookie Lookie

search tool = easy self help = i fixed it myself = self confidence = not needing to post the same questions over and over = never having to bump a topic for an easy found answer  :thumbsup:


I SAID "SHIPPING" NOT TAX! I already searched and did nto find an answer. Two people have already made orders through paypal and I have lost out on money. It does not add the shipping cost at anytime.

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try upgrading to the official paypal ipn release


oscommerce paypal ipn


any trouble then post in the thread set up for that contribution.

(in the contribution support area)



have a quick look at this old thread too:

old thread similar to your problem

while this isold and not exactly what you ask it has a similar idea and how it was fixed..try that maybe.

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here's another one i found:


this guy says, well look- he was getting strange shipping charges.


my two searches would lead me to immediately go to my paypal account

at paypal.com and look at all the settings in there.


have a good look at any changes you made to your cart.

new contributions added lately?

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