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Deleting Manufacturers


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Hi. 2 questions:


1. Does deleting a manufacturer from here: http://www.mysitename.com/catalog/admin/manufacturers.php simply delete it from the manufacturers box, or does it 'do' anything else? I don't want to risk losing any products that are associated with that manufacturer, I just don't want that manufacturer listed in the dropdown.


2. Assuming that deleting a manufacturer doesn't cause any 'harm' to my products, is there an easier way to delete 10 or 15 all at once?




-- Josh

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If you don't want manufacturers showing up on your site you can


1. remove them from the admin side.

2. remove the references to them.


To remove the box from showing up on the side go to your includes folder ( catalog/includes/column_left.php ) and look for


include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'manufacturers.php');

and change to

// include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'manufacturers.php');



To remove all references of manufactureres from showing up on pages then you can go to your language folder and change the reference.





and look for


// manufacturers box text in includes/boxes/manufacturers.php

define('BOX_HEADING_MANUFACTURERS', 'Manufacturers');


and change to



Then go through the rest of the language files in whichever language folders you are using and look for any instance of Manufacturers and change it the same way.

It is on a couple of them, not sure exactly how many though but that should take care of it on your catalog side, I think.


Or you can look through all of your pages and see where Manufacturers is said and remove the code from the specific pages.


Probably other ways to do it that are easier but that is all I know.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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