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Order # Modification


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Now i am not sure if this is possible using osc, im 100% sure there will have to be some in depth modifications but here it goes.


What I would like to do is make my order numbers online look like they do in store. The number is like this: 1000-0205


Where as the 1000 is the first order for the month(which would reset each month)

the 02 is the month which would obviously change every month

and the 05 is the year.


Any help would be appreciated. I dont even know where to start :huh:



Jeff Pihach

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1) please don't bump. See the forum rules.

2) The order numbers don't look like that by default. Which contribution did you add to do that? It is likely that you can take some of that code and add it to invoice.php and packingslip.php, or wherever else that you want/need it.



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Sorry bout the bump.


No the numbers right now are 1001....1002....1003 etc etc. I guess I will have to do the numbers manually.....where are the order numbers stored? becuae even after the past orders are removed the order numbers are still about 1000




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Without getting too technical, the database stores the auto_increment values "behind the scenes".

You can see the values by with the following sql statement:

show table status;

The online documentation provides the following tip:



According to the tip, you need to alter the table called osc_orders.

If you do not have that table, just try "orders".



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