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Blend shop design with site?? Totally Stuck


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i have managed to work out all the personalisations with regards to adding categories and products, postage rates, payment options, store name, purchase without account, etc etc....


however i am still really struggling to make my shop look as though it blends with rest of my site such as background, inputting my own images and logo over the default ones.... i know it's a pain to ask but can anybody explain or help me out with this? i have never used php before so this is all new to me.


to give you an idea of the feel of the site i have uploaded 2 pages on my server so you can see the general style. these can be found at:





please note that a lot of the links are dead as i haven't uploaded all of the relevant pages.


clicking enter on the home page will link to my shop which is named as boutique and not catalog.

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You can edit the colours and text of the site through stylesheet.css - I use a free tool VB Colorpicker to help with site colours


You can add your logo in includes/header.php


Thats a small start - these forums are loaded with info on how to make changes.


I will move your post to our My Store section - please keep the 'Powered by osCommerce' link in your footer (read the guidelines posted at the top of the My Store channel)



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It will take lots of swapping code around, but you ought to be able to come pretty close to replicating the design you want within osc, looks like you've got a good start. You can also set fonts, and font sizes on the stylesheet. You can justify your logo to the right in the header. You ought to be able to make the header have two tables on on the left to echo the particular page title, and one to the right for your logo.


You can eliminate the left column altogether, and put your categories box in column_right.php . You'll want to switch your nav bar down to the bottom, and put in the appropriate links.


Looks pretty good!

Good Luck!



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Thanks for your comments Jeremy. The non-store pages on my site were pretty simple as it's just html and java... i am new to php so this is a lot of learning for me! lol


i know the logo isn't sitting quite right at the moment what with the big white gap on the right but i am going to create a complete full width design to put it once i have sorted out everything else and as you suggested, move the logo to the right to fit with the rest of the site.


i have been playing with fonts in stylesheet but i've decided to work on the layout first and then finalise the page with the font changes, it will be easier for me i think.


i did think about eliminating the right column altogether but then oddly enough just lastnight i opted for the reverse and keeping the right, getting rid of the left, again, it fits more with my other pages.


i do want my nav bar in the bottom... i am going to attempt to keep the one i have and just insert the html into the footer file and see how that works... i have been assured that html works fine in php so fingers crossed!


again, thank you for your comments, i appreciate it

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Cool, since you'll be depending upon your footer more than normal here's a little tip, from a problem that was driving me nuts yesterday. If your footer starts to move around unexpectedly (it might!), then either there is a bug in your server's php, or there is a table end tag missing. The bug affects php4.2 I believe, it was a table tag that was bugging me!

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