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The e-commerce.

Database Password


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I'v Installed OSc and configured it! :D

I have it running on a test box here at the shop.

the test box happends to be running win98se :blush:


I've installed MySQL and had to manually import the sample data due to the

/install/osCommerce.sql NOT Found error I've seen here often.


the problem is in the /admin/includes/configure.php at the


define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'root'); <- If I Change this here and in MySQL

the STORE fails due to no DB access

I've done everything I can think of to no avail


I change this user name to boss and the password to bigboss

go to mySQL and change the username and password there to the same thing

I get no connection...!


this happends on both the root@localhost and root@% as well as boss@localhost


so I guess what I need is for somebody to reply with (generic) but exact syntax for both osC and mySQL for creating and entering the username and password...




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can you post the content of your config files?

the only part of the config files I need help with is this part


│// define our database connection

│ define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');

│ define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'root'); //<----------

│ define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', ''); //<----------

│ define('DB_DATABASE', 'dnddb');

│ define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false');

│ define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql');



leaving the username set at root with NO password WORKS FINE (Unsafe but fine)

changing the username OR adding a password kills the login to the DB


adding a user of joe and a password of abc123 to the mySQL database

and entering the same into the config file does not work for me

so again could somebody please reply with the exact syntax for the two lines in the config file and the entries that should be set in MySQL




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Hi Randy,


Umm.. have you set the mysql passwd? Try the following command:


mysqladmin -u root password blahblah


where blahblah is your new password.


Then don't forget to setup the configure file in both catalog/ and admin/ directories accordingly.


Hope this helps!




the only part of the config files I need help with is this part


│// define our database connection                                           

│  define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');

│  define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'root');  //<----------                                   

│  define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', '');      //<----------                                   

│  define('DB_DATABASE', 'dnddb');                                           

│  define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false');

│  define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql');



leaving the username set at root with NO password WORKS FINE (Unsafe but fine)

changing the username OR adding a password kills the login to the DB


adding a user of joe and a password of abc123 to the mySQL database

and entering the same into the config file does not work for me

so again could somebody please reply with the exact syntax for the two lines in the config file and the entries that should be set in MySQL




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OK maybe I'm NOT being clear.

Please read this entire post before replying

I'll try to get everybody on the same page.


I've already entered password(s) into mySQL

I've already entered a password into /admin/includes/configure.php


by default, on a windows box, the installer for mySQL creates

(2) users. I believe they are as follows:

username= root domain= localhost

username= domain= %



by default the /admin/includes/configure.php has

the following:


│ define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');

│ define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'root'); //<----------

│ define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', ''); //<----------


Using those default settings, everything works fine.

It's Unsafe but it works!


OK, now I want to password protect the Database by adding a password.

if I edit the │ define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', '');

field of the /admin/includes/configure.php file and add the password of santaclause, AND Add a Password to the root user of the mySQL database of santaclause.

now I should be password protected right!.... nope.. I'm locked out..


so again should I be somehow encrypting the password entered into the

configure.php file ??

should I be adding the domain ie root@LOCALHOST in the configure.php file

should I change those settings in mySQL.


should the │ define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'root');

look like this │ define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'root@somedomain');


look like this │ define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'root@localhost');


I have a database in mySQL called thedatabase

it has a username of abc and a password of 123

the mySQL Admin utility (maestro), always asks for a domain name

for the user. what should be entered there? localhost?, store name? ???


This is why I asked somebody to just relpy with the correct syntax!

like this:


mysqladmin -u abc password 123

define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'abc');

define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', '123');


or does it have to be


mysqladmin -u abc password 123

define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'abc');

define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', '84ruw8u4r890u4'); <---- Encrypted somehow







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